Jinja Magic Scripts

Jinja2 script to help you create/migrate the existing config/setup to lovelace automagically.

Code to auto-generate Lovelace Script

Use the following script to automagically generate the lovelace cards based on what you already have. Go to your Home Assistant, click on the hamburger icon on the top left, under Developer Tools, click on Templates, and then replace what's out there with the following code. You should see the output right next to it. Copy that output, and paste it in the ui-lovelace.yaml file in your config folder and go to https://<>:8123/lovelace url and hit refresh.

{# @Author: Mahasri Kalavala (a.k.a @skalavala #}

{%- macro plural(name) -%}
  {%- if name[(name|length|int -1):] == "y" -%}
  {{- name[:-1] -}}ies
{%- else -%}
  {{- name -}}s
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}

title: My Lovely Home Automation
  - title: Home
{%- set domains = states | map(attribute='domain') |list | unique | list %}
{%- for item in states['camera'] %}
      - id: {{ item.entity_id.replace('.', '_') }}
        type: picture-entity      
        title: {{ item.name }}
        entity: {{ item.entity_id }}
        camera_image: {{ item.entity_id }}
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
{% endfor %}
{%- for item in states['media_player'] %}
      - type: media-control
        entity: {{ item.entity_id }}
{% endfor %}
{%- for item in domains if item != "camera" and item != "media_player" %}
      - type: {% if item == "device_tracker" -%}
        {%- elif item == "camera" -%}
        {%- else -%}
        {%- endif %}
{%- if states[item]|list |length|default(0)|int > 1 %}
        title: {{ plural(item.replace('_', ' ') | title)  }}
{%- else %}
        title: {{ item.replace('_', ' ') | title }}
{%- endif %}
        show_header_toggle: true
{%- for e in states[item] %}
          - {{ e.entity_id }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if item == "device_tracker" %}
          - 'home'
          type: glance
          title: My Device Trackers
{% endif %}
{% endfor -%}

If you need additional support for other custom cards, please feel free to do a PR or contact @skalavala.

Last updated